Dear Supervisory Unit Employees,

UPDATE: *** The voting period has been extended to 5:00 pm on Friday, November 5th to provide more time for existing and new SCEA members to consider their options and cast a vote. ***

This email notice is being sent to you as an SCEA member in good standing to inform you of the current status of the negotiations pertaining to the change in PERS Medical insurance for 2022 and to solicit your vote on this important matter. Since this issue will also have a profound effect on non-member employees in the Supervisory Unit we are providing the same information to those of you who have not joined the Association and ask that you consider joining. Here is a link directing you to our member application form for you to complete and return if you decide to join so that your vote may be counted on this significant issue.

Although all Supervisory Unit employees are encouraged to vote only those who are existing members or who return a member application will have their vote counted.  Please email SCEA directly with your vote no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, November 5th. An email to SCEA will consist of your vote where you indicate:


  • “YES” to approve the County proposal

  • “N0” to reject the County proposal




If you have been following this issue you are aware that PERS has modified the medical plan offerings beginning in 2022.  In short, the current “Select” plan will become “Gold” while PERS Choice and PERS Care will be replaced with “Platinum”.  Significant premium increases are associated with these changes.


We have been engaged in negotiating with the County regarding the impact of these changes and have reached a stalemate as the County has described its most recent proposal as a “last, best and final” position.  In that light we have the option of accepting the County’s proposal or rejecting it which by definition means negotiations have concluded and we will need to carry this matter into an impasse.  If we proceed to impasse we also have the option to file a grievance and possibly a law suit to contest the current MOU language.  The problem with this option is that even if we prevail the result is not as beneficial to the majority of our members as accepting the County proposal.

Here is a “cheat sheet” we constructed to illustrate the three choices of 1) status quo, the 2021 County contribution carries into 2022;  2) the possibility of winning a grievance/law suit on interpreting the current MOU language; and, 3) accepting the County proposal.  


2022 cost to employees, monthly:


                                  Gold                    Platinum

Status quo

EE                             0                            $261.55

+1                             $185.87               $897.43

Fam                          $241.63               $1166.66



Win grievance/law suit

EE                            0                            $158.55

+1                            $218.41                $929.97

Fam                         $283.93                $1208.96



Looking at the options, weighing the pros and cons of each, it is clear to your SCEA Leadership Team (the SCEA Board) and labor negotiator that accepting the County’s proposal is the best option for the majority of the employees who, based on current enrollment, will be in the Gold plan and have opted for dependent coverage.  This assessment is based on the 2022 census.  Beginning in 2023 the increase in PERS Gold will be shared equally , 50/50, between the County and employees.   Please review the cheat sheet to apply your own situation before you vote.  We have also included a copy of the County’s proposal for your review.

In summary, a yes vote is to accept the County’s proposal.  A no vote is to reject the County proposal and continue to negotiate into impasse and possible grieve the current language.  The worst case scenario if we reject the County proposal is that the County’s current contribution in 2021 will remain status quo until renegotiate the entire MOU in 2024.  To answer a question that has come up, we are not legally able to strike until after the current MOU expires in June, 2024.




Phillip Crawford, President, SCEA

Rhonda Shultz, Vice President, SCEA

Lisa Holt, Treasurer, SCEA

Steve Allen, Labor Representative, Goyette, Ruano, Thompson


Do You Want to Express Your Voice?

When you become a member of SCEA, you can express your voice through member meetings and voting on issues related to employee benefits, cost of living increases, medical insurance, and more.  You are welcome and encouraged to attend any of our board meetings and to vote on contract ratifications, board elections, and matters of interest to all. Get involved! Help us make a difference. Visit our Membership page to learn more:


Quarterly Membership Meeting 1/24/22


SCEA Meeting - October 12, 2021