SCEA Quarterly Meeting Minutes - January 2, 2021
Go-To-Meeting (Online)
The meeting was called to order at 11:32am by Mr. Crawford.
1.0 In Attendance:
Phillip Crawford (President) Rhonda Schultz (Secretary)
Stewart Buettell (Vice President) Steven Allen (Goyette & Associates)
Brian Abbott (Member)
Absent: Robin Bostain (Member), Rod Delfer (Member), Lisa Holt (Treasurer)
2.0 Minutes: There were no minutes to approve.
3.0 Treasurer’s Report: There was no Treasurer’s Report.
4.0 Steward’s Report: There was no Vice President’s Report.
5.0 Old Business:
5.1 Website Update: Mr. Buettell reviewed current status of website and sought member feedback. There were no issues reported and the board agreed that the new website seemed to be working well.
6.0 New Business:
6.1 MOU Negotiations: Mr. Crawford went through a brief history of what had occurred with the MOU negotiations in the past. Mr. Abbott noted that he felt there should be an extra step and/or a longevity incentive to help with employee retention. He reported some significant losses of institutional memory recently and felt that financial incentive might have helped with retention of the staff who left. He is in his 6th year as a supervisor and is all tapped out in steps and is hoping there is something in the future to compensate people for their loyalty and continued service. Mr. Crawford noted that the SCEA is the only union with an 85% lock on future benefits increases and that it is likely that the County is going to try to negotiate that down to 50%. This piece was important to the union members close to retirement during past negotiations and caused some division. Mr. Buettell noted that the last negotiation led to a few additional helpful incentives and that he and Mr. Crawford would be reviewing the recent UPEC MOU to see if there are any ideas for negotiation points in there. Mr. Buettell asked Mr. Abbott and the other board members to please check with other supervisors in the union to determine if there were other points of negotiation that they would like brought forth for the coming MOU.
6.2 Board Vacancies: Nominations for open board positions will be announced at the next meeting. The positions of Vice President, Secretary, and President are all open for new nominations/re-election.
7.0 Adjournment:
7.1 Meeting was adjourned at 11:50am by Mr. Crawford.